Fuel surcharge

A fuel surcharge is applied to each packing slip. Fuel surcharge might fluctuate according to the current fuel prices, as determined by the Régie de l’énergie.

The percentages set for fuel surcharge as well as the trigger points are subject to change without notice. If fuel costs decrease below the quoted prices, or increase above this price, the table will be updated. Source: Régie de l’Énergie du Québec

Update: October 2022
Average price in Montreal ($can/liter)

Fuel surcharge
Surcharge rate
Surcharge rate
1,17 1,22 18,00 19,00
1,23 1,28 19,00 20,00
1,29 1,34 20,00 21,00
1,35 1,40 21,00 22,00
1,41 1,46 22,00 23,00
1,47 1,52 23,00 24,00
1,52 1,57 24,00 25,00
1,58 1,63 25,00 26,00
1,64 1,69 26,00 27,00
1,70 1,75 27,00 28,00
1,76 1,81 28,00 29,00
1,82 1,87 29,00 30,00
1,88 1,93 30,00 31,00
1,94 1,99 31,00 32,00
2,00 2,05 32,00 33,00
2,06 2,11 33,00 34,00
2,12 2,17 34,00 35,00
2,18 2,23 35,00 36,00
2,24 2,29 36,00 37,00
2,30 2,35 37,00 38,00
2,36 2,41 38,00 39,00
2,42 2,47 39,00 40,00
2,48 2,53 40,00 41,00
2,54 2,59 41,00 42,00
2,60 2,65 42,00 43,00
2,66 2,71 43,00 44,00
2,72 2,77 44,00 45,00

Congés fériés

Holiday schedules apply to all delivery services.

Fuel surcharge

Fuel surcharges fluctuate according to the fuel rate determined by the Energy Board.


Retard avec votre commande… Peut-être à cause de la circulation.